Video: Get Warm | Stay Warm Yoga Flow


I get asked frequently after class for advice regarding how to improve form and body function while at home. Y'all can visit me in class (and how I love to see you!), but the real work happens with consistent practice week to week. I'll be doing a series of videos to help you find some ease, reduce stress and get stronger, all while at home with minimal or no props. 

It's winter, also known as, my least favorite kinda weather. That doesn't mean I H-A-T-E winter, as there are some really amazing things that happen this time of year. I love the weight of 900 blankets on me, cozy movie nights, creative projects that take over (in lieu of outdoor time), hot tea, and yeah, sometimes the snow looks cool. I get a lot done personally and professionally this season, which is something to appreciate about winter. I'm not about to adapt that #hyggelife, but I do what I can.

Which brings us here. Another soul-warming tactic to store in your tool box is to get that heart pumping. While still gentle, this yoga flow will get you moving to heat up the body.


Video: Short & Sweet Flow for Stressed Out Days


Four Bedtime Hip Openers for Better Sleep